Mobile App UI/UX June 3, 2020

Smart Condo Management Solutions With Aplicondo

Skibidi hassle. Get Aplicondo for ezpz condo management. Forget the Chaos, Your Property’s Got This !

For Aplicondo, I designed a user-friendly property management platform that simplifies communication, task management, and payments for property owners and residents. On top of designing the whole app my main role involved creating a positive and stress-free experience for users to pay maintenance fee on time.


1) Improving Communication within a condo residence. 2) Simplifying Facility Bookings. 3)Streamlining Maintenance Requests. 4)Managing Payments and Fees. 5)Visitor and Security Management.

  • Strategy

    Design Sprints, Workshops

  • Design

    Product Design, Prototyping

  • Production

    Design Sprints, Documentation

  • Platforms

    Desktop, iOS

Open Project
⬤ 01. Challenges

Engaging a Local Audience
in Applicondo’s Visual Identity
by establishing brand engagement

One of the key challenges Applicondo faces is standing out in a market saturated with mature platforms like JagaApp. These established competitors have a strong foothold, offering comprehensive services and loyal user bases.

With a modern, visually engaging design and seamless interactions, Applicondo can differentiate itself by providing a more responsive and delightful experience.

⬤ 02. Admin Dashboard

A fluid visual user
experience with a
new solutions.

Admins need access to a wide range of tools—such as resident management, payment tracking, and maintenance requests—without overwhelming them with a cluttered interface.

The UI in Applicondo is designed to be simple and intuitive to avoid overwhelming users with too much information at once.

Color palette

/ Aplicondo
SCSS var

R 238
G 48
B 72

Magnetic Red

SCSS var

R 0
G 122
B 255

Dark Red

SCSS var

R 230
G 231
B 232

Neutral Grey

SCSS var

R 0
G 122
B 255

Moonlight Black

Red symbolising alertness, warning and sense of urgency making it ideal for buttons or notifications related to important tasks, such as payment or maintenance request.

Applicondo rewards residents with loyalty points for timely maintenance fee payments, enhancing community engagement and incentives. Red signals limited-time offers promotions, encouraging residents to act quickly.


/ Aplicondo

Poppins Bold


AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789

Poppins Regular

Body Text

⬤ 03. Mobile Experience

Putting the focus on
changing the way people
think of maintenance fee.


Art Direction

Shawn Feng
Creative Director


Copy Writer


Diana Frida
UI/UX Design / Graphic Design

Ocunapse Sdn Bhd

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